Educational Events
Our educational events (aka our programs) and meetings are open to the community. WWIAG members are
invited to help plan and participate in the programs, book discussion groups, potluck dinners and the yearly retreat.
The annual meeting of the membership is held in June.
Our education series have included topics such as: 'Life Cycles and Traditions for Christians,
Jews and Muslims:, 'Spirituality and Healing: Three Faith Perspectives' and comparison topics
such as 'Moses, Jesus and Mohammad: Messengers of God.' Speakers and programs are often
followed by small-group discussion allowing us to gather and become better
acquainted with our friends' and neighbors' faiths.
Discussion Groups
Our discussions are guided by the Rules of Dialogue adapted from Leonard Swidler's
'The Dialogue Decalogue.' Often, discussions focus on selected books that facilitate
interfaith dialogue. Delicious refreshments always enhance our conversations !!
Youth Programs
Youth (mentored by WWIAG members) have presented programs such as 'Sharing the Success
of Camp IF' and 'Interfaith Youth Speak Out', both of which told how faith traditions
help to support young men and women as they grow up and attempt to cope with today's
complex and troubled world.
Shared Experiences
Members have shared personal experiences such as hajj (i.e. the obligation to travel to
Makkah at least once in one's lifetime) of a Muslim family, the founding and remarkable
achievements of a group of Catholic activists named Voice of the Faithful, planning and
holding a wedding (single-faith or interfaith Baha'i, Christian, Jewish and Muslim
ceremonies), and an interfaith pilgrimage to Holocaust sites.